The SSEHRI Report-Back Lab, led by Phil Brown, does biomonitoring and household exposure studies, and applies innovative methods of reporting data back to participants. We have pioneered this ethically-driven report-back approach for which we have gained national attention.
Silent Spring Institute scientists Julia Brody, Ruthann Rudel, Jennie Ohayon, Katie Boronow, and Laurel Schaider are the main Silent Spring collaborators. Rachel Morello-Frosch at University of California-Berkeley has been a partner in this for a long time. We currently work with PROTECT (Northeastern’s Superfund Research Program center) with ECHO (Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes) cohorts at University of Illinois and University of California-San Francisco, and with the ERGO (Environmental Reproductive and Glucose Outomces Study) cohort at Harvard School of Public Health on report-back of data from their human biological samples. A list of our many published articles and handbook on report-back is found at here.